Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I've recently seen so many things advertising lush, or people talking about there halloween or christmas products, which have already come out, despite christmas being 2 months away (can't wait!). So I thought I would do a quick review of their store and products.
First of all, as soon as you walk through the lush doors you are met with the sweet smell of soapy delights, even though, half way through your lush shop you are struggling to breathe...I can't help but like it?
My favourite products to buy have to be the bath bombs and melts, but I also purchase the face masks quite frequently. I always buy the cupcake face mask as it smells so good and looks like chocolate, I would be lying if I said wasn't tempted to actually eat it...don't worry I haven't. Yet. I'm joking. But, in all seriousness I buy the cupcake mask, mostly because it is targeted at people with oily skin, which I am proud to be a part of...yeah about that, I hate having oily skin, can't I have 'normal skin', if that even exists.
Moving on to my favourite bath bombs, they have to be the melting snowman, luxury lush pud, holly golightly and the magic wand! 
Check out lush's new collection, I can't wait to try the northern lights and the snowman kit, I mean who wouldn't wanna build a snow man?


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