Monday, January 16, 2017

Cliché Resolutions I Won't Keep

So as it's a new year, I'm going to try and be healthy. But, being the vegetarian I am-I practically live on tomato pasta, bread rolls and melon and grapes (thanks school canteen),  and l'm currently eating quartered pears out of a can, so my goal is to eat a more varied diet. I want to start making more adventurous meals and try out more vegan dishes (had to advocate the vegan message somewhere). Secondly I'll drink more water. I've actually done pretty well at this in 2016, and as a result my body is releasing less ADH, (reference:Mr Hudson's biology lessons) but I want to carry on with this habit. I also want to read more, and not just the same book over and over again, and the book of the movie I like, I actually want to read as an alternative to staying on my phone all night, watching teen wolf. This leads me nicely onto my next typical resolution: getting more sleep. I'm hoping this will result in less mental breakdowns about art and more grades similar to Bo-yan's! I've even started a journal of pictures and drawings which I love doing, because it's a good break from revision and it reminds me that I do actually enjoy some form of art, whatever that may be. Next, I want to proof read these posts, because the complaints from Emma and Jamie are becoming too regular and I can't let Alison find out... And lastly I want to create more amazing memories with my friends, as in 2016 I think I found the best group of people ever and I love them all to bits, it's like I'm finally understood-but I'll never understand how I know Andrew and Daniel.

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